Enrollment/ Withdraw:
Upon registration, students are automatically enrolled from the month of enrollment through the remainder of the term as long as payment is received in a timely manner. AGA respectfully requests that you give two weeks notice if you plan to withdraw your child from a class. Withdrawal notifications can be submitted by e-mailing agadesk@gmail.com or filling out a withdrawal slip at the desk.
Please note: You are responsible for payment for your student's classes WHETHER OR NOT YOUR STUDENT ATTENDS CLASS until the time you notify the receptionist or director VIA WRITTEN NOTICE. Please do not rely on your student to verbally let us know that he/she will no longer be attending classes. If a student stops coming to class without notification then that student's account will be charged for the remainder of the month. This charge will be for holding the student's place in that class instead of offering that spot to one of the many on a waiting list.
Annual Membership Fee:
$85 per student is due upon registration and covers students for one full year. The annual fee defrays insurance, office administration, and other non-teaching costs. This fee is non-refundable.
The first month of tuition is due upon registration. Tuition is due on the first of each month. Any payments received on or after the tenth day of the month will incur a $15 late fee. If accounts are still delinquent by the second class day of the month, students will be withdrawn from the program. Multiple months of a late payment will require a credit card to be placed on file. Any refunds requested for tuition will be assessed a $5 processing fee.
AGA accepts cash, check or credit card. A written receipt will be issued for all cash payments. Please make all checks payable to AGA and place your child's first and last name on the memo line. Payments can be accepted at the front desk or by mailing a check to our P.O. Box. There will be a $35 processing fee added to all returned checks.
Holidays, Scheduled Closures & Rescheduled Classes:
AGA will be closed for the following holidays: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Week, Winter Holidays, MLK Jr. Day, & Auburn City School Spring Break Week. Some of these holidays are configured into the term and others require the class to be rescheduled. Please see the calendar posted on the website for dates and rescheduled class if they apply.
COVID 19 Safety Info and other Illness:
Please do not send your child to gymnastics if they are feeling ill, running a fever, have any symptoms of COVID19, or have been exposed to someone with symptoms or confirmed or suspected case. We will follow all CDC, State of Alabama, and Auburn University recommendations including but not limited to physical distancing, face coverings, personal hand hygiene with hand sanitizer stations throughout the gym, cleaning and sanitizing equipment in between each student, etc. AGA will do everything we can to mitigate the risk of COVID19 exposure and ask that you do the same.
Arrival & Pickup:
Be sure your student arrives 5 minutes before his/her scheduled class time. Please pick up your student on time. Please inform us if you know you will be late picking up your student. Instruct your student to wait inside the building and you should escort them from the building to your car. During peak times the parking lot is crowded. Please take into consideration that our students may include young children. Please drive slowly and carefully. Do not take a chance on your student running to and from your car.
If a parent is more than 15 minutes late on multiple occasions, a penalty fee may incur to offset staff inconveniences.
Dress Code:
For your child's safety as well as that of our instructors, all girls should come dressed for class in a leotard (two-piece leos are prohibited). Hair must be secured off the face into a ponytail. AGA allows only compression shorts, no loose or baggy shorts. Boys should wear T-shirts (tucked in) and gym shorts (with no buttons or zippers). Our students will participate barefoot; no shoes or socks should be worn into the gym. Personal items should be left in cubby holes. Jewelry should not be worn during classes. PLEASE LEAVE JEWELRY ARTICLES AT HOME. This facility's staff will not be responsible for ANY items that may be lost or stolen. Be sure your student's personal items are marked with their name.
There is no food, drinks, or gum allowed in the gym. Please be respectful of the lobby and keep the area clean while eating.
Our official form of communication is via email; Please make sure we have a valid email address on file so you can stay up to date on all upcoming events! Also, add agadesk@gmail.com to your contacts list to prevent our emails from being sent to your spam folder. If you are not receiving our emails, please let the desk know so you can be added to our list.
Photo Policy:
As a parent of a gymnast at AGA, I hereby authorize Auburn Gymnastics Academy (AGA) permission to use my likeness in photographs in any and all of its publications, including but not limited to AGA’s printed and digital publications. I understand and agree that any photograph(s) using my likeness will become property of AGA.
I hereby authorize AGA to copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute said photographs(s) for purposes of publicizing AGA’s program or for any other lawful purpose.
I hereby hold harmless, release and forever discharge AGA, its employees and owner(s) from all claims, demands, and causes of action for use of said photographs.
Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement:
In consideration of the participant participating in the AUBURN GYMNASTICS ACADEMY, I represent that I understand the nature of the Activity and that I am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity. I acknowledge that if I believe event conditions are unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation in the activity. I fully understand that this Activity involves risks of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, which may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes place, or the negligence of the “releasees” named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, cost, and damages I incur as a result of my participation in the Activity.
I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue the AUBURN GYMNASTICS ACADEMY, its administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered of the “RELEASEES” herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages, on my account caused or alleged to be caused in while or in assumption of risk I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Relasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the Releasees from any loss, liability, damage, or cost, which any may incur as a result of such claim.
I have read the RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.
AND I, the minor’s parents and/or legal guardian, understand the nature of the above referenced activities and the Minor’s experience and capabilities and believe the minor to be qualified to participate in such activity. I hereby Release, discharge, covenant not to sue and AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releasees from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages on the minor’s account caused or alleged to have been caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations, and further agree that if, despite this release, I, the minor, or anyone on the minor’s behalf makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I WILL INDEMNIFY, SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releasees from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss liability, damage, or cost any Releasee may incur as the result of any such claim.
Billing Authorization:
I represent and warrant that if I am purchasing something or paying for a service from this facility or from other merchants through this facility that (i) any credit card or bank account draft (ACH Draft) information I supply is true and complete, (ii) charges incurred by me will be honored by my credit card company or financial institution, and (iii) I will pay the charges incurred by me at the posted prices, including any applicable taxes, fees, and penalties.
I hereby authorize (if online payment is made or autopay information is provided) this facility to charge my ACH draft, or credit card account. I understand that a 30 day written notice is required to terminate billing and I am responsible for payment whether or not my student attends classes until I notify this facility in writing to drop my student from class(es).
Should I dispute a charge through my financial institution this will constitute a breach of contract possibly resulting in, but not limited to, penalties, additional fees, collection, legal action, and/or termination of any and/or all current and future services.